INTOLERINCIA.DOC is a documentary that dives into an aspect of Brazilan society that hasn’t been properly adressed; the rise of hate crimes in the country and what lies beneath the speeches of intolerance. In a country known by the mix of races, ecunemism of beliefs and even a certain sexual freedom, the rising numbers of agressions associated with racism, xenophobia and homophobia shows the irony in this huge cultural melting pot. By studying the facts, investigating the crimes, knowing the victims, hearing the side of the perpetrators, we can have a reflection about a country in full contradiction.
- Femcine_Chile 2019
- CINE BH 2018
- Festival de Cinema de Ouro Preto_2018
- Mostra de Cinema em Juiz de Fora Festival Arquivo em Cartaz_2017
- Festival Inter de cinema Independente DE MAR DEL PLATA MOSTRA DIALOGAY MOSTRA
- INTERNACIONAL CINEMA E DIREITOS HUMANOS Festival Primavera do Cine em Vigo_2017 (Espanha)Circuito Universitário de Cinema 2016V
- Festival do Rio 2016