Screens of the World

Surabhi Family



Original title : Famille Surabhi, à la vie, à la scène.

Director : Neeta JAIN DUHAUT

Production : Oeil sauvage

Duration : 52 Minutes

Year : 2014

Original version : Original Version with french subtitles

Subtitled version : French

Country : France


In a big modern city of India, a family of actors has kept alive their ancestral art of traditional theatre for the past 128 years. The sixty-five members of Surabhi family perform dramas that bring together old Indian legends, from the Mahabharata to the pranks of popular theatre. This show borrows to the collective iconography its abundance of colors, its majestic decors in a profusion of gold and ornaments. Song, dance, music and special effects are used to create the power of the supernatural. The family will leave India for the first time thanks to an invitation to perform in Europe. This documentary shows their everyday life and follows them in their new adventure.


2018 : Mumbai International Film Festival - Mumbai (India)
2016 : International Festival of books and movies - Saint-Malo (France)

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