Screens of the World


White torture

by Narges Mohammadi, Vahid Zarezadeh, Gelareh Kakavand


Original title : White Torture

Director : Narges Mohammadi, Vahid Zarezadeh, Gelareh Kakavand

Production : Baran Editions

Duration : 58 Minutes

Year : 2023

Original version : Farsu

Subtitled version : French - English

Country : Iran


The 2023 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Narges Mohammadi is currently imprisoned in Iran, where she went on a hunger strike. She refused to wear the veil when she was transferred to a hospital in November. The Islamic Republic authorities finally gave in to her demands because of her deteriorating state of health.

While she was Vice-President of the Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran, She has been jailed since November 2021 on charges of "endangering national security". Her sentence of 8 years imprisonment and 80 lashes (extended in August 2023 to 10 years and 9 months and 154 lashes) is a deliberate attempt by the government to silence this relentless human rights defender.
Narges Mohammadi directed "White Torture", a documentary based on interviews with 16 former detainees, men and women who were subjected to White Torture: 4 white walls, no natural light and total confinement. It's a terribly effective form of torture that leaves no trace. It leads some individuals to confess any crime they are being accused of after a few months, even if it means the death penalty for them. All of them tell a harrowing story of psychological destruction, humiliation, torture and lasting trauma.

Narges Mohammadi will be represented by her children, seventeen-year-old Ali and Kiana Rahman. They will receive the diploma and gold medal and finally give the Nobel Prize lecture on behalf of their jailed mother.

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