Screens of the World

Why Fleming Didn't Invent Penicillin

by Bernard BLOCH, François NINEY


Original title : Pourquoi Fleming n'a pas inventé la pénicilline

Director : Bernard BLOCH, François NINEY

Production : Oeil sauvage

Duration : 26 Minutes

Year : 1997

Original version : French, English

Country : France


In 1945 A. Fleming was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for discovering penicillin. He was hailed as a "benefactor of mankind." Yet he shared the award with two researchers from Oxford, Florey and Chain, who had never worked with him. Even more disturbing, in 1945 Fleming was rewarded for a discovery that dated back to 1928! What happened in the meantime? What was the relationship between Fleming’s initial discovery and the first antibiotic developed by the Oxford team 14 years later?

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