Although India is experiencing record economic growth and national prosperity, 100,000 children still live on the streets in Calcutta. Many seek shelter in city train stations, in particular Sealdah, in the heart of Calcutta. Runaways, orphans abandoned by their parents, these children have to fight to survive. With the few rupees they make they eat, go to the cinema, but most often buy drugs to escape their daily reality. These children are hungry for change and freedom. The Dom Bosco Ashalayam association, an NGO, tries to help, offering them accommodation, an education and, ultimately, a better future away from the squalor and drugs of the station. But some of the children don’t make it. For them their last hope is Father François-Marie, a French priest who assists them in their daily lives, looking after them. His commitment is a testimony to faith.
Official selection / Farel Prize: Festival in Neuchatel 2008