Screens of the World

The Tenture of the Apocalypse

by Rodolphe VIEMONT


Original title : La tenture de l'Apocalypse

Director : Rodolphe VIEMONT

Production : Ana Films

Duration : 53 Minutes

Year : 2011

Original version : French

Subtitled version : French

Country : France


The Tenture of the Apocalypse of Angers is the largest tapestry that has reached us. Commissioned in the 14th century by the Duke of Anjou, it took 8 years to realize it. While recounting the exceptional destiny of this painting, the director wonders about the message it delivers. The Tenture illustrates the visions of Saint John recorded in the book of Revelation, a text that closes the Bible. But the representations of divine plagues, of men tortured by hideous beasts, render the Tapestry hermetic and mysterious for the contemporary visitor. It is in the text of Saint John and its interpretation that the film draws explanations from the allegorical representations of the Tenture.


  • Festival Holiday Region (2012)
  • Price Farel (2012)
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